Dr. Sonia Colina – Scientific Committee
Dr. Sonia Colina (colina.faculty.arizona.edu) is Director of Graduate Studies, Professor of Spanish, and Director of the National Center for Interpretation at the University of Arizona (nci.arizona.edu), where she also teaches translation studies and coordinates the Online Translation Certificate. Colina served as the President of the American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association from 2016-2018.
She is the author of Fundamentals of Translation (CUP, 2015), of Translation Teaching: from Research to the Classroom (McGraw-Hill, 2003), and of numerous articles in edited volumes and journals (e.g., Target, The Translator). Her research areas are pedagogy of translation, translator education, translation quality assessment, and translation in health care and research (researchtranslations.arizona.edu). Dr. Colina has participated as a researcher (Co-PI, team, member, expert consultant) in various large projects at the University of Arizona (Oyendo Bien, funded by NIH) and elsewhere (Robert Wood Johnson’s Hablamos Juntos). She often serves as a translation studies and Spanish linguistics expert in federally funded health care grants.