U.S. Spanish / Español de EUA Spanish is constantly evolving in a bilingual context within the United Sates influenced by 20 Spanish-speaking countries, making it the second most widely spoken language in terms of native speakers worldwide and in a multilingual and expanding U.S. environment.
U.S. Spanish Plain Language RIUSS' approach to effective communication also responds to the Federal Government request of determining Spanish Plain Language in this country. Experience has shown time and again that merely translating from English-Plain Language does not automatically guarantee obtaining Spanish-Plain Language (Lenguaje Claro) in the United States.
Evidence-Based Research RIUSS fully realizes the importance of engaging readers through language that they readily and clearly understand. Our user-centered linguistic research, a communications approach that seeks to standardize a commonly understood use of Spanish in the United States, is RIUSS' unique contribution to equity as a fundamental social value.
RIUSS fills a current gap in research on written communication in Spanish in the United States as its research focuses on the unique characteristics of the use of Spanish in this bilingual society.
RIUSS user-centered linguistic research is its unique contribution to equity as a fundamental social value.
It matters because RIUSS research will enable effective communication with more engaged and responsive readers.